Changing perspectives: A coffee break with Stevan Randjelovic about digitalization on steroids

Show notes

This episode is about Advertising, Media Strategy, Digitalization, Consumer Behavior and Brand Safety.

This episode is part of our NextM podcast special series, containing short interview snippets that were recorded remotely – please excuse minor technical interruptions.

Brand that want to reach its target groups appropriately during the crisis should carefully review its media strategies in several points. Our guest in this special episode, Stevan Randjelovic, Director Brand Safety and Digital Risk at GroupM, has some valuable recommendations for advertisers regarding brand safety: Due to the increased sensitivity of consumers, it is currently more important than ever to carefully review the media plan and in particular copies and creatives in digital advertising. As a result, advertisers will be able to identify strategic implications for the future, when the crisis is over. As Stevan says, we are currently experiencing a "Digitalization on Steroids" which includes significant changes in consumer behaviors – listen in to find out what this means.


Links Stevan Randjelovic:



Links GroupM:





Weitere Links:

Tobias Matt of MediaCom on how Corona is driving digitalization:


Brian Wieser with four recommendations for marketers during the crisis:

Tatjana Damgaard of [m]SCIENCE on changing consumer behavior:

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